Category: Sports

SBRWGA Play Continues Through a Hot August

Debbie Ferguson We are back, golf fans, to report the happenings during August for the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA). Aug. 8 dawned hot and humid for the first event of the month, when 42 golfers participated in the Team Cha Cha Cha. There were blind draws and card offs to excite the scoring of the four-person team game.…

Pickleballers Make a Showing at Prescott Lakes Tournament

A few of the Saddlebrook Ranch Pickleballers competed in the Prescott Lakes Senior Tournament during the last weekend of August. This was a USA Pickleball-sanctioned event. Several medals came back to the Ranch: * Pat Hawkins and David First brought home the gold for men’s doubles 3.0 (50 to 59) * Hobie Richards and Patrick…