Dinking Divas “cowboy up” for Tuesday pickleball!
Kathy Sinnott At the time of this writing, the outcome of the 2024 presidential election is unknown. What is the future of our nation? The angst of this uncertainty has many folks asking the question, ‘who and what can we count on anymore?’ An answer can be found within the Rockin’ 4 Heroes’ mission: we…
Deb McGiboney The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women of Wine (SBRWOW) meet the third Thursday of every month at the Ranch House Grill Sol Ballroom. Our next SBRWOW event is Thursday, Nov. 21, from 3 to 5 p.m. We are hosting two of our WOW entrepreneurs! Amanda Blood will be displaying and selling her handmade, reusable wine…
Nancy Borcalli Please Note: The Conservatives in Action will not hold General Meetings in November and December 2024. In place of our regularly scheduled meetings, on Nov. 14 and Dec. 12, special events are being planned for “Members Only.” Details of each event will be emailed to each member. Officer Elections for Conservatives in Action…
M.C. Nelson On Sept. 17, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Democratic Club hosted a visit from Kevin Volk, candidate for Arizona State House, and John McLean, candidate for Arizona State Senate. Both candidates have many years and deep roots in Tucson and the experience building and running businesses benefiting the greater Tucson area. They commonly share the…
How to Register for Art Club Classes Go to SBRartclub.clubexpress.com. Current members: Log into your account that you have established on Club Express. Click on the class under Upcoming Events. This will take you to the payment page and provide information for registering and paying by credit card for the class. New members: Click NEW…
Sam Miller On Sunday, Nov. 10, the SaddleBrooke Skygazers Astronomy Club will present Dr. Joannah Hinz, an Associate Research Professor and Deputy Director of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) Observatory at the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory. The program presentation will be at the DesertView Theater, 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive, at 7 p.m. Dr Hinz’…
Number One in Service Projects Barbara Barr Bengen and Wanda Bailey District Governor Sue Archibald just made her annual visit to the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke. While visiting, she had two big announcements for our club. We were so excited to learn that our club was #1 in the district in service projects. We were…
Patti West Spend a fun afternoon with artist and master pastry chef Rachel Linnemeier and learn to make a variety of decorated holiday cupcakes, and then take home your beautiful and tasty creations! The SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Painters Club workshop will be from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 15, in the Art Room…