Category: Features

Welcome New Neighbors

Please extend a warm welcome to the 25 homeowners who moved to SaddleBrooke Ranch in December 2021. They join us from 10 different states. New homeowners moving into SBR have a great program available to them for becoming familiar with their new community and surrounding area. Run and organized by enthusiastic volunteers, new homeowners can…

Books, Books, and Memoirs

Karen Brungardt COVID-19 gave Karen a gift: Time on her hands because she had to stay home. She decided to take advantage and dug out her parents’ memoirs…yes, both of her parents each wrote a memoir! She edited them, taking their typed manuscripts and making them into books, adding photos and other information. Her mother,…

Learning to Love Yourself

Rev. Suzanne Marlatt-Stewart February is the month of “love”—you might send valentines, enjoy a candlelight dinner with a loved one, or watch romantic movies. But what must come first is loving yourself. You can’t give to another if you don’t have it within yourself to give. Several world religions refer to loving yourself. “‘You shall love…