CCP directors and crew showing the new MountainView Country Club back and wing curtains. (Photo by Steve Weiss)
Andrea Molberg
SaddleBrooke’s theatre group, Community Circle Players (CCP), is eagerly getting ready to bring back live theatre performances.
Not only has CCP been dressing up the MountainView stage with new paint, curtains, and lighting, CCP directors and crew tried dressing up themselves with new items in CCP’s costume collection. Thanks go to Sheila Muehling, a new homeowner in SaddleBrooke Ranch, who recently donated vintage clothing, accessories, and even a fur stole to enhance our theatre experience. Costume coordinators Susan Schweitzer and Mary Riemersma are thrilled.
CCP also thanks Old Pueblo Theatrical Solutions, Sonoran Theatre Works, HOA staff, the SaddleBrooke TWO board, and its enthusiastic, supportive patrons for helping make the many MountainView Country Club Ballroom stage improvements possible. All who use the space will benefit from the added flexibility provided by the new curtains and lighting changes.
Excitement is building for the delayed Evening of One Acts (EoOA), planned now for fall 2021. EoOA directors are anxious to get auditions and rehearsals scheduled and underway for this event of five short plays, which include two mummies, a member of the Ku Klux Klan, and a dog named Faro.
During the pandemic, CCP Co-Founder Susan Sterling admits she and the other directors have been keeping a lot “under our hats” about the production. She and fellow CCP Co-Founder Shawne Cryderman promise an evening of laughter, poignancy, and entertainment!