Welcome to the Club! First-time attendees, first row left to right: Carol Mihal, Rita Teresi, Noreen Prindiville, Karen Lanning and Maryellen Duncan; back row right to left: Elaine Brown, Jeanne Jensen and Pam Horwitt

Bistro Executive Chef Mary Lecompte
Marlene Diskin
Seven years ago Nini Falconer and a few women living at the Ranch decided to get together at a restaurant to celebrate the birthday of one in the group. From that initial group the SBR Birthday Club evolved into the 100 plus member organization that met for the last time in December.
As the Ranch has grown and changed, the wants and needs of the club have changed, too. Seeking to assess what changes to make, club Vice Chairman Martha Sampson conducted an online survey of women in the community. She received 143 helpful responses that were evaluated by the club’s executive committee. On the basis of that evaluation, starting in January 2016 the club will now be known as the SBR Women’s Club. It will still meet the second Monday of each month, except July and August, at 11:30 in the Hacienda Club. The first 30 to 45 minutes will be devoted to meeting new neighbors and connecting with friends.
Twice a year, instead of a luncheon there will be a Cocktail Meet and Greet. Four meetings will have speakers, and four meetings will emphasize socializing.
Annual dues have been reduced to $10 to cover lunches for the speakers, decorations and supplies. Lunches will be $12 for members and $14 for non-members.
The SBR Women’s Club will be chaired by Nini Falconer. Vice Chairman is Martha Sampson; Margaret Yonkovich is the Treasurer; Marlene Diskin is Communications Chair; Sherri Weiss is Decorating Committee Chair; Florence Messer is Club Photohrapher; and Sharon Morey is Speaker Chair.
The inaugural meeting of the new SBR Women’s Club was held on Monday, January 11, 2016. Over 60 women attended the luncheon and were treated to a cooking demonstration by Mary Lecompte, exective chef of our very own Bistro. Mary shared her version of fried rice and even made it gluten free for those whose diets are limited. The year 2016 will also see more varied menus for the Women’s Club luncheons than in the past and will honor dietary restrictions when possible.
Women of the Ranch spoke and we listened…so come out and enjoy the new SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club! For more information about the SBR Women’s Club, contact Nini Falconer at [email protected].