Left to right, top row: Joan Keane, Paula Burns, Ben Gentile, Judy Abadia, JoAnn Roberts, Janet Storton, Karen Derdzinske, Sheryl Eilenfeldt; middle row: Deb McGiboney, Francie Samaha; bottom row: Karen Bellinger, Debbie McGrady, Kelly Hastings (photo by Debora Witten)
Debora Witten
Come join the fun, make new friends, and feel better. Bodyworks is a high-energy class and full body workout, all done to great music! Bodyworks will not only help you build muscle, but it can also increase your endurance and energy! Will it challenge you? Yes, it’s guaranteed to challenge you! So if you are looking for change, come join us. Remember, without challenge, you can’t change! Sign up now to reserve a spot. See you soon!
Bodyworks classes:
Tuesdays: 8:30 to 9:25 a.m.
Saturdays: 10:15 to 11:30 a.m.