Computer or Smart Phone Got You Frustrated?

Maria Astaire with Jon and Joan Brooks receiving tech assistance.

Linda Shannon-Hills

Have you found yourself saying, “This stupid computer drives me crazy. I just don’t get it!” Technology can be so frustrating at times, but we use it all the time, so knowing how something works or where to go for help can create challenges for us. Some just say forget it and just avoid using it. One key is to not be afraid of trying.

There is a place you can go in our community for help. The SBR Technology Club can be a great resource to you when you just don’t get it. Members of the club are monitors in the technology room. You can go online to make an appointment with a monitor who is skilled in the area you need help. One-on-one assistance has helped many in our community overcome  challenges. Members can go to, and for nonmembers, the cost to join the club is much less than going to a “geek” outside the Ranch. Appointment times are shown on the calendar in the light orange boxes. Registration is required.

Besides getting one-on-one help, the return of in-person classes has begun. One by one, the SIGs are also starting again. What is an SIG? It’s a special interest group—a community within a larger organization (SBR Technology Club) with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning, or technology, where members cooperate to affect or to produce solutions within their particular field. They may have shared communication, meet in person, or organize events.

Finding you have more time to research your family history? The SBR Technology Club can be a resource for digitally scanning your family photos and documents, saving those special items for generations to come. A skilled volunteer can step you through the process of doing digital scans. Schedule an appointment for assistance.

As a member, I am always watching for workshops or SIG groups so that I might learn more. I tend to forget to check the tech tips on the website. The tips come from members of the club and from experts in the many fields of technology. There are some great ideas to help you with computer, smartphone, or other technology.

Join the SBR Technology Club at I know you will find it rewarding.