Peter Norquist
Nancy Borcalli
Mark your calendars—the SBR Conservatives in Action (SBR CIA) general meeting is at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 25. The SBR CIA meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 3:30 p.m. The meetings are held at the SBR La Hacienda Clubhouse in the La Mesa/La Montana Rooms. Women and men are welcome to attend and join our club!
The mission of SBR CIA is to educate and empower like-minded members to take action to further conservative/republican goals. In the upcoming months, we will invite speakers to share information to enhance our knowledge of issues leading up to the 2024 presidential election, and especially to address issues pertinent to elections in Pinal and Pima counties. We will plan and conduct fundraisers to support local candidates and offer tours/gatherings to involve our members in various functions of government. In January our guest speaker, Sheila Muehling, who has held public office in Arizona, spoke on Ranked Choice Voting; in February, Tracy DuCharme, executive director for American Majority, shared valuable information regarding Ballot In-Ballot Out; and in March retired Judge Andrew Gould informed us how to vote for judges in Arizona.
April Guest Speaker
We will welcome Peter Norquist as our guest speaker on Thursday, April 25. Peter is a historical linguist who graduated from the University of Arizona in 2007, with a Ph.D. in the joint program in anthropology and linguistics. Peter is currently an affiliated scholar at the University of Arizona’s School of Anthropology. He is the current first vice-chair of the Pima County Libertarian Party and has recently been involved with several local political campaigns. Peter feels a strong connection to and is very involved with his community. He believes strongly that education is one of the most effective tools for protecting and enriching our communities during these turbulent times. During our meeting, several topics Peter will discuss include: (1) the definition of One World Order; (2) the current/future agenda of the United Nations; (3) the definition of 15-Minute Cities (and the possible impact on SBR homeowners); (4) the Deep State; and (5) George Soros (the man and his mission).
We hope you will join us each month as we welcome speakers to share their expertise in a variety of political and human interest topics. We encourage our members to provide suggestions on growing our club in an atmosphere of camaraderie, learning, and outreach to our community.
For meeting/event details, please contact us at [email protected].