COVID-19 Vaccine: Good Shot or Long Shot?

Linda Shannon-Hills

As we read the news releases about a vaccine ready for deployment, how certain can we be of the effectiveness and safety? There are many things that are still unknown about the first vaccine. How long will it take before everyone has access to the vaccine? Will this vaccine protect us from the deadly pandemic?

Vaccines are one of the great achievements of science. They have saved hundreds of millions of lives and led to the eradication of one human disease (smallpox) and the near eradication of another (polio). Yet no vaccine is perfect. That is, no vaccine is 100% effective, 100% safe, and lasts for life. Fortunately, they don’t have to be perfect.

SBR Wellness Roundup is pleased to welcome back Dr. Jack Fincham, a professor of pharmacy practice and an SBR resident, to give us a presentation on his research regarding COVID-19 vaccines. His presentation of “COVID-19 Vaccines: A Good Shot or Long Shot” will focus on the current status of COVID-19 pandemic from the standpoints of current status at SaddleBrooke Ranch, how this all is affecting us, methods to control the impact of the pandemic, vaccines and their use, an update on the possibilities of a vaccine, current treatments that are available, and specific things that each of us can do to protect ourselves. The key questions that we would like answered about any COVID-19 vaccine—How safe? How effective?—are of course unknown right now.

Join us on Tuesday, Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. via Zoom. You must register to receive the Zoom login information. Send an email to Linda Shannon-Hills at to have the registration sent to you.