Photo by Vickie Atkinson
Vickie Atkinson
Did you move here with a scrapbook project, but it is still in a box? Would you like to be able to work on your project with friends and room to spread out?
Desert Scrappers is pleased to announce their third annual Weekend Crop Event, on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 8 and Feb. 9. We will be working in the Art Room in the Arts and Tech Center. Our start time in the mornings is about 8:30 a.m., and we work until we are done for the day. You can leave your project spread out in the room overnight Saturday and just keep working on Sunday. We will have some potluck snacks available for noshing.
Starting March 8, we will go back to our regular schedule, which is all day on the second Saturday of each month. Newcomers are welcome!
Gather up your paper and tools and get your photos printed, and let’s make some progress!
Due to limited space, please RSVP to Vickie Atkinson via email at [email protected] or text at 704-819-6636.