Fashion on the Courts

Debbie Witten

SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleballers show their true colors. As the weather has been turning warmer, a kaleidoscope of bright colors can be seen on the Pickleball courts.

Pickleball is a low-cost sport (as compared with golf, skiing, etc.) and does not require any special clothing except for it to be comfortable and appropriate for the climate. Some players enjoy playing in all sorts of matching and accessorized outfits.

Court shoes, however, are needed. It is not recommended that people wear sneakers or running shoes as they do not supply the proper support for the side-to-side movement needed in Pickleball. The best shoe for Pickleball is a court shoe or tennis shoe—one that is comfortable and has ankle support, rubber soles, and a tread pattern on the soles for quick lateral movements.

As for accessories, players may wear hats, visors, sweatbands, sun glasses, and light jackets or sweatshirts for cold outdoor play. With the COVID virus, each player must play with their own ball. This requires clothing to have pockets or some other location to store their ball when not in play. This is often more difficult for women with balls stored in all sorts of odd locations!