Group photo fashion show

Corky Mansmith

Diane Johns
Kim Schweitzer
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club presented our annual Fashion Show on March 11 featuring stylish, luxurious, and comfortable clothing from Soft Surroundings. With attendance continuing to grow for our events, our members and guests enjoyed a delicious lunch and scrumptious dessert. There were drawings for free lunches and a gift certificate from Soft Surroundings. One lucky person at each table went home with a beautiful orchid which also served as an elegant centerpiece. Judy Dodson and her decorating team go out of their way at each luncheon to bring extra beauty and sophistication to each table.
Soft Surroundings representative Laurie Weiss did a terrific job introducing our red-carpet-ready models by telling a personal story about each one. In addition, she described each ensemble eloquently, identifying the material and ease of wear of the outfit.
Kudos go out to our gorgeous models (all members of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club) who had as much style, panache and spirit as models on a New York runway. Thanks to models Randy Brosnahan, Fay Farquar, Lisa Friedman, Dianne Johns, Radonna Knapp, Corky Mansmith, Mary Preston, Barbara Rudges, Diane Schramm, Susan Swanson and Linda Volz. Thanks to our photographers Connie Garrison, Zenia Fera and Judy Fisher.
Thanks, also, to members Clarice Blaylock, Judy Dodson, Camille Esterman, Zenia Fera, Judy Fisher, Sandi Fredrickson, Linda Jackson and Annette Feagans from Soft Surroundings, who were on hand backstage to make sure everything went smoothly in the dressing room.
Soft Surroundings started out exclusively as a catalog company and became a brick and mortar store a few years ago. Located at the La Encantada Shopping Center, they sell lovely clothing, accessories, bedding, skin care and more, in sizes women, tall, plus and petite. Soft Surroundings has a beautiful philosophy.
#LiveSoft represents living an inspired life. One where no matter what your schedule or daily responsibilities are, you surround yourself with those “little things” that make all the difference. Our philosophy is that by putting yourself first, you can take better care of friends, family, and community to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
We couldn’t agree more!
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club is dedicated to enriching the lives of our members and the community by providing an opportunity to connect through fellowship and by offering programs that advance social, educational, and service goals.