Left to right: Diana Posada; Jim Rodgers, wrangler; Pam Whims; Sue Muckey; Debbie Trapp
Rebecca Williams
The Horseback Riding Group was treated to a ride closer to home on Saturday, Feb. 5. The Rockin’ K stable was able to trailer horses up to the Equestrian Center inside Catalina State Park, and the group enjoyed a wonderful ride along glorious stands of saguaros, crossing two stream beds where they watered the horses before turning to head back to the center again. The trail was relatively level. There are other trails through the park, but some are still in need of repair. It was great to finally get to ride there.
The ride included some new residents of SaddleBrooke Ranch: Annette Aspeotis, Katie and Marc Lundgren, Adrian Rupp, and Pam Whims. All enjoyed getting back in touch with horses again. Many were surprised how busy the Equestrian Center was, with many local residents trailering in their horses and mules to enjoy a glorious Saturday.
The group next planned a sunset ride through the Saguaro East National Park. The number of horses was limited, so it was planned for two dates, Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11.
If you would like to participate in a ride, go to the SaddleBrooke Ranch HOA website at saddlebrookeranchhoa.org, click on “Things to do,” then “Clubs.” Click on “Horseback Riding Group” and then on the link you will see there. Details on rides will be posted under “News.” To sign up, select “Contact Us” in the lower left and enter the information requested, including your time preference. This will then alert the secretary, who will then get in touch with you to finalize your reservation. Note that some time slots may have already been filled.