Fluid Art class students (photo by Diane Verkuylen-Murphy)
Diane Verkuylen-Murphy
Many interested art students explored the possibilities of acrylic pouring this past fall and winter at the Art Club in Saddlebrooke Ranch (SBR). SBR resident and instructor, Diane Verkuylen-Murphy, has taught several abstract fluid art classes and most recently the techniques of the open cup and ring pour. In this class, the students embarked on a hands-on journey that guided them step-by-step through the process of creating fluid art on canvas.
The Art Club brings in many talented teachers and provides classes throughout the year in a wide range of art forms and mediums. Immerse yourself in the joy of creating art and experience its therapeutic value by joining one of the classes that can encourage you into further art exploration.
Diane will be opening her Catalina Sun Studio along with many very talented artists who live in this community in the upcoming SaddleBrooke Ranch ARTwalk on April 5 and 6.
For information on joining the SBR Art Club, please contact Erin Newman, SBR Art Club president, at [email protected].