Randall Dighton
Ann Vernon
As one of the fixed-price events in conjunction with the Oracle Schools Foundation Gala/Auction, Randall Dighton, a SaddleBrooke resident, entertained 35 guests at the home of Ann and Nile Vernon on Friday, Oct. 20. It was a beautiful night, and guests mixed and mingled as they munched on a variety of tasty appetizers prepared by the hosts: Ann and Nile Vernon, Connie and Larry Byrd, Ruth and Dale Leman, and Barry and Mary Jo Swartzberg, with libations provided by Rolly Prager.
Even better than the food was the music! Randall sang a variety of tunes from Celtic ballads to musical theater, and since it was close to Halloween, he entertained us with some of his original Halloween carols, such as I Left My Heart in Transylvania. Guests especially enjoyed a spoof of an old favorite, Ghost Chickens in the Sky, as well as The Javelina Song.
The foundation was so fortunate to have a talented performer such as Randall who donated his musical abilities to entertain us. He has more than 60 years of experience and has played in a variety of settings for many different audiences. Without a doubt, guests enjoyed his beautiful voice, his guitar skills, and his interesting stories.
If you haven’t attended a fixed-price event, plan to attend the 2024 Gala on March 10, where we “launch” our fixed-price events for the coming year. Expect offerings such as theme dinners, house concerts, dine and dance parties, and more. Information about the Gala and other foundation-related information can be found on our website: oracleschoolsfoundation.com.