Hopi-Tewa pottery by the Nampeyo family, c. 1900-1930. Photo by Jannelle Weakly. Photo courtesy Arizona State Museum
Established in 1893, the Arizona State Museum (ASM) at the University of Arizona is renowned for its excellence in preserving, interpreting and presenting the material culture of the U.S. Southwest and northern Mexico. On January 21 the Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries annual membership kick-off event will showcase two of ASM’s world-class collections—the world’s largest and most comprehensive collections of Southwest Indian pottery and American Indian basketry. This free lecture will be held in the MountainView Ballroom at 3:30 p.m.
Andrew Higgins, registrar and formerly assistant curator of ethnological collections, will offer a 30-minute, slide-illustrated presentation on the evolution of Southwest Puebloan pottery from the late 19th century to today. Actual examples brought for display will help illustrate changes in style, design and form. Diane Dittemore, associate curator of ethnology and curator of ethnological collections, will share highlights from the museum’s ethnographic basketry collection, including details about tribal groups, renowned weavers and colorful background stories that will enhance your appreciation of Southwestern basketry.
Annual membership dues for FSL start at $20 per household with additional benefits given to those who become members at a higher level. Membership dues are used to purchase new items for the three SaddleBrooke Libraries collections of books, audio books and DVDs as well as other equipment and materials our volunteers need to maintain the libraries.
FSL members who have paid their dues by February 15, 2016 will be eligible to enter a drawing for behind-the-scenes tours at ASM. These tours will include meeting professional curators, entering climate-controlled storerooms and visiting a nationally renowned laboratory of zooarchaeology where scholars learn about human behavior by studying animal bone. Tour dates in March and April will be announced. Space will be limited to 10 persons per tour.