Learning about echinopsis
The Gardeners Exchange of SaddleBrooke Ranch welcomes Jan Shrader to speak on “Echinopsis” on Wednesday, March 15, at 1:00 p.m. at La Hacienda Club. Echinopsis is a cold-hardy cactus from South America with an extraordinary trumpet flower, perfect for growing in the micro-climates of SaddleBrooke and SaddelBrooke Ranch. For years horticulturalists have been hybridizing the native species echinopsis to create a rainbow of colors that bloom numerous times within a season.
Jan is a native of Tucson and a graduate of the University of Arizona with a degree in elementary education. She taught K-8 art for 10 years and has a graduate degree from Gateway Theological Seminary in theology. She has worked at Bach’s Cactus Nursery for six years. She loves camping and hiking in the mountains or a canyon, gardening in a land with little water, art projects of any kind, Spanish architecture and Mexican food.
All are welcome. Open seating. No registration is required. For more information please contact Zann Wilson at zannlwilson@gmail.com or 219-263-3261.