A birthday cake package
Thank you to all who donated a gift card on our last event. Over $500 in gift cards were donated to Youth On Their Own! The cards will be used for emergency student needs. Thank you so much!
Our next event will be happening on Wednesday, June 7.
While at YOTO we discussed what their needs were. One thing that they came up with is birthday cake packages. This sounds like fun for everyone. Who doesn’t want a birthday cake on their special day? YOTO will hand them out to the teens on their birthday month. The package should include a cake mix, frosting and any other birthday item (sprinkles, candles, napkins, etc.) that would be used for a birthday cake celebration. These items should be put in a large ziplock bag or see through packaging.
We will be gathering the packages on Wednesday, June 7, at the Bistro Happy Hour. If you want to participate and won’t be around on that date, please contact Bev Hanson at 520-399-6798 or Carol Smith at 209-596-0976. Arrangements can be made to drop off your package at a convenient date.
Youth On Their Own is a an organization that supports the high school graduation of troubled, often on-their-own teens in the Tucson area. Students are all enrolled in public schools and are motivated to obtain their high school diplomas despite personal and financial hardships. For more info please go to their website www.YOTO.org.
Bev and Carol always have an on-going collection of full-sized hygiene products such as shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, body wash, lotion or feminine hygiene products. They can be delivered anytime to either Bev or Carol.
Thank you for your participation and support and have fun celebrating birthdays!