Happy anniversary, Health Fair

Phyllis Ketring

Twenty years ago Dolores Robu attended a health fair at Sun City. Her enterprising mind immediately saw a great opportunity for SaddleBrooke. She collected business cards and contacted providers to invite them to the very first SaddleBrooke Health Fair. Today the SaddleBrooke Fair is one of the largest, volunteer-driven events in our community. Please mark Saturday morning, October 14, on your calendars to attend this 20th anniversary event.

Many people have reported that they have been alerted to a problem discovered during a free screening at the fair. Perhaps it was skin cancer or high blood pressure or a cholesterol reading. Some people have met new doctors and found new resources for managing their medications or chronic issues.

If you have a story about how the Health Fair impacted your life, we would like to share your experience. No names will be used, and your privacy will be respected. Please email sbazhealthfair@gmail.com to submit an account. Identify the subject as Health Fair Story.