Happy New Year! What can Line Dancing do for you in 2018?

Dr. Mark Magdanz

Why line dance after the seasonal celebrations fade? The lessons provided at SaddleBrooke Ranch promote the maintenance and improvement of your mental and physical health. How can this activity do it?

Just to review a few ways: (1) Memory and Learning: choreographed movements require some memorization, concentration, reading skills. Learning new skills and activities is a proven booster of functional brain capacity. (2) Balance/coordination: over 80 different movement skills may be learned in classes improving balance and coordination leading to fall prevention at home. (3) Exercise: with a fun activity providing a moderate cardio work out you are likely to continue instead of getting bored and quitting. (4) Upright movement strengthens bones with side motions (spine and legs) beyond simple walking. (5) Socialization gets you out of the house to meet new friends. (6) Music: music therapy is proven helpful in maintenance and recovery of brain function. (7) All of the above attack issues of depression, fatigue and isolation often experienced in aging.

With three different skill/fitness levels of class, Rebecca’s teaching stresses fun, self-improvement and low stress. Students progress to a next level at their own pace or they may stay at a favorite skill level. Level 1/Beginners classes are Wednesday (alternative in SaddleBrooke). Level 2/Improver classes are on Wednesday (alternative at SaddleBrooke are Monday/Tuesday). Level 3 for the most advanced dancers is Thursday only in SaddleBrooke. Both winter 2018 for Level1/beginners classes are on a wait list for new dancers. This is because class size must be limited due to room size to ensure quality of instruction. With limited spaces you must pre-register with Rebecca to attend. So call immediately if you want any opportunity before April.

Student party/practice sessions are presented for all skill levels. A great cardio and muscle memory session is the goal of these workouts. Sessions move fast, last an hour, clock in 4-5,000 steps/and up to 12 dances each hour. Prepare to laugh, exercise and expand your brain.

Want variety in dancing? A frequently used website for dance listings catalogs 93,801 different dances on 12/7/2017. Rebecca has taught in excess of 250 different dances. Each 10-week series includes about 10-15 (some review-some brand new) dances for each skill level. Linedancine is a worldwide phenomenon represented in every country I’ve searched, from Russia to Iceland to China, Australia and Uzbekistan. No kidding, I found a couple of line dance videos from Antarctica.

Line dancing is fun and exercise; the number three most participated senior exercise worldwide. For more information or to put your name on a class reservation list contact Rebecca Magdanz at linedancin4SB@aol.com or phone 818-2656. Rebecca is a 12-year resident of SaddleBrooke providing lessons in SaddleBrooke communities for 10 years.