Dr. Bulen
Phyllis Ketring
HealthSouth will address the topic The Amazing Brain: Latest Research on Brain Recovery after Stroke and Brain Injury on Monday, May 22, at Health Night Out. You will learn about your fascinating brain and its ability to recover after a stroke or other brain injury.
HealthSouth Rehabilitation is one of the nation’s largest post-acute care providers. Their unique, intensive approach to rehabilitation makes them a leader in the field with the objective of returning patients to full strength faster than the average recovery time.
Medical Director Susan Bulen, MD is a physiatrist specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Her primary focus is on patients who have had a stroke or spinal cord injury. Her training includes Rehabilitation Specialization at Baylor University in Houston, Texas; Medical School at the University of California in Irvine; a Master’s degree in Public Health from San Diego State University; and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from San Diego State.
Dr. Bulen’s associate presenter, Director of Therapy Operations Kristin McHaley Haeflinger, carries the designations of PT (Physical Therapist), DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy), C/NDT (Certified in Neuro-Developmental Treatment). She received her Bachelor’s degree in Health and Exercise Science at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. McHaley earned her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Mayo Clinic School of Health Science in Rochester, Minnesota. She is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association Neurology Section and is a certified clinical instructor. McHaley is also a member with an active certification of the Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association.
HealthSouth has extensive experience in today’s most advanced therapeutic methods and technologies.
The Health and Wellness Committee is pleased to host these highly knowledgeable doctors on Monday, May 22, at 7:00 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom.
Health Night Out is a free educational presentation for SaddleBrooke One and Two, The Preserve and SaddleBrooke Ranch, and is brought to you by SaddleBrooke Health and Wellness. It offers a unique opportunity to learn from highly skilled local doctors about a wide variety of health issues.
The MountainView Bistro will offer a special healthy menu selection for Health Night Out, so enjoy dinner at The Bistro before attending the presentation. Watch your e-mail for menu details.