Ed Davis
The award winning American Legion Oro Valley Post 132 is sponsoring its annual charity golf tournament August 25 at The Views in Sun City. One hundred percent of the proceeds are to provide care and assistance to local homeless and at risk veterans and to the families of the deployed soldiers of our adopted Arizona National Guard Units (our citizen soldiers). Post 132 has been honored by the U.S. National Guard Washington, D.C. Bureau and veterans service organizations for its programs benefiting service members and veterans in need. Help us to help them by supporting this worthy cause. Registration is $80 per golfer. “We Care” special hole sponsorships available for a donation of $450. The sponsoring company, organization or individual will receive recognition and advertising space at the hole of their choice, a full-page color ad in the event program and an appreciation plaque. Tee box sponsorships available for a donation of $100. A Tee box sign will be placed on the course and the names of the tee box sponsors will be published in the tournament program. Raffle prizes are always welcome. Donations to Post 132 are tax deductible and donations of any amount are gratefully accepted. For further information and to obtain registration and donation forms please contact Steve Didio at 520-219-9997 or ovpost132@gmail.com. Forms also available at http://www.OVAmericanLegion132.com or www.facebook.com/OVAmericanLegionPost132. Please mail registration forms and donations to American Legion OV Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737. The American Legion, the nation’s largest veterans’ service organization, has been fulfilling its commitment of service to veterans, service members and their families and local communities for 99 years. It is a nonpartisan, charitable veterans’ service organization charted by the U.S. Congress.