Picture of Zentangle tile provided by instructor, Val Barsevich
Dale Farland
In June, Zentangle artist Val Barsevich taught our beginner class in Zentangle. It was so well received, the students immediately asked her to return to teach another class. So, if you missed the first Introduction to Zentangle class, it’s not too late to learn the Zentangle method! It’s fun, easy to learn, and promotes relaxation and focus. In this class, we will continue to practice the basics of the Zentangle method by learning more tangles.
The Zentangle method is a fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns that are called tangles. You create tangles with combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, S curves, and orbs. These simple shapes are the “elemental strokes” in all Zentangle art. These patterns are drawn on small pieces of paper called “tiles.” These small pieces of paper are called tiles because you can assemble them into mosaics.
The class will once again be taught by Val Barsevich, a certified Zentangle teacher, who has been practicing Zentangle and teaching students of all ages since 2015.
Class description: This is your opportunity to learn the art of Zentangle. Even if you did not take the class previously, Val will teach you. If you took the class, now you can learn new techniques. This class is open to all, regardless of Zentangle experience.
You will create two tiles of original artwork and add enhancements to your drawing to make them pop! There are no prerequisites for this class—if you can write your name, you have the skills to be a success!
Date for class: Wednesday, Sept. 13
Time: 1 to 3:30 p.m.
Class fee: $40
Class size: Minimum: 5, Maximum: 15
Payment deadline date: Wednesday, Sept. 6
Materials the instructor will provide: New Zentangle students will receive a beginning kit of materials (pencil, Micron 01 black pen, pencil sharpener, tortillon, Zentangle tiles, and a small artist kit bag). All students will receive additional tiles, a white Gelly Roll pen, and a white chalk pastel pencil.
Materials participants are to bring: If you took the previous Zentangle class, she provided her students with a pencil, Micron 01 black pen, pencil sharpener, tortillon, Zentangle tiles, and a small artist kit bag. Therefore, for this class, students need to bring back those supplies, and the instructor will provide additional materials appropriate for the new class. Also, all students need to bring a sketchbook or sheets of paper (computer copy paper is fine) to record notes and to practice tangles.
Registration: Go to GroupWorks (www.groupworks.com). Click on “Events.” Click on “I’m Going.” Confirmation is depositing your check in the lockbox outside the Art Room Door. Please deposit your check quickly as classes fill up. Please do not click “I’m Going” unless you intend to take the class.
Reminder: Starting in 2023, participants in all art classes must be members of the SBR Art Club. If you want to join the SBR Art Club, contact Dale Farland at [email protected] for membership forms.