At Kids’ Closet a volunteer “personal shopper” assists every child.
Since its inception in 1996, Kids’ Closet has focused on providing children with new school clothing to raise their self-esteem and school attendance. Each school year, in the fall and spring, thousands of students from rural communities eagerly await their opportunity to come to the custom-built Kids’ Closet in Mammoth. Children eligible to receive free meals at their pre-school or school are referred to the program.
During the 2016-17 school year, 3316 students in pre-school, elementary, and junior high/middle schools received clothing from Kids’ Closet. Students came from three Head Start programs and 17 schools in eight communities. This past year students attending schools in Miami, a district with 480 students, were added. In the coming 2017-18 school year service will be expanded to include 120 students, two more schools in San Carlos.
It takes an army of dedicated volunteers to serve the clothing needs of so many children. Volunteers are responsible for buying, unpacking, tracking, stocking and inventorying the clothing as well as managing finances. Every day that the closet is open, a volunteer is scheduled to help each student shop for clothing and select a book to take home. Volunteers also manage communication with school counselors, ensuring that permission slips are received and student “shoppers” are given the assistance they need.
If you would like to volunteer your time and talent to Kids’ Closet, please contact the SaddleBrooke Community Outreach office at 520-825-3302 for more information.