From left to right: Debby Felzien, Jacque Hendricks, Ardie Rossi, Sandy Getter and Doris Carlin.
Camille Esterman
The Ranchette Putters were able to meet only three times in the month of March. A sleet storm on the second Wednesday caused a cancellation of that week’s putting event. Otherwise, March provided many opportunities to put on and take off multiple layers of clothing.
Each month the club recognizes putters with the third, second and lowest averages. Prizes are also given to members who sink a shot with one stroke six or more times.
SBR Ranchette Putters is pleased to announce the March award winners. Sandy Getter and Jacque Hendricks tied for the third lowest average with a score of 38.333. Ann Engraff took second place with an average of 37.000. An outstanding putting performance by Ardie Rossi put her on top with an average of 35.667.
Club members offered cheers and high fives as the following putters scored at least six holes-in-one. Congratulations go out to our March winners: Ann Engraff (9), Debby Felzien (7), Doris Carlin (6), Sandy Getter (6) and Sue Marx (6).
Ranchette Putters is proud of our March winners and invites all female residents of SBR to join us for a fun weekly event. Check out our bulletin board by the Pro Shop for more information or contact Cindy Watkins at [email protected].