In trying to keep up with the times, we seniors need to learn how to take “selfies.” For those unfamiliar, you hold your camera at arm’s length pointing back at yourself and snap a picture of yourself. Here is one of my best attempts to date. And the kids say we are tech challenged! Photo provided by Mark Magdanz, avid selfie enthusiast.
Dr. Mark Magdanz
With the summer season going fast, we’ll take some time to update you on the 2014 fall line dance plan. Both dance levels have classes starting October 1. This time we are having a shorter series of about nine due to holidays, etc. A new series for both dance levels will then come again in January 2015.
The Level 1 Beginner classes are for students new to line dance and those who like easier steps, a relaxed teaching pace and a less strenuous workout. Level one lessons begin midafternoons on Wednesdays. Classes are by reservation only so you must contact Rebecca to reserve space in advance. Thirty-six students in a space for 24 just isn’t fun or safe.
For the dancer with more experience and stamina there is Level 2. The Level 2 Beginner/Intermediate dances are a bit more complex, and the teaching pace is significantly faster. These sessions follow the Level 1 class and begin later Wednesday and end with time to attend some of happy hour with your neighbors.
For the most ambitious dancers there is Rebecca’s Level 3 Intermediate class held in SaddleBrooke on Thursdays with practicing most Saturdays.
Rebecca’s classes have included over 200 different dances since she began teaching in SaddleBrooke over eight years ago. Top dances in popularity and teaching frequency from around the world are in her curriculum. Low-impact line dancing has been proven to ease the obstacles of aging if done at least once weekly. Optimum change is reached with extra practice time. Line dance is among the most popular senior activities in the world, and class members practice their skills at the Hacienda Club many Sundays.
To place your name on one of the reservation lists for fall 2014 and/or winter 2015, contact Rebecca Magdanz at [email protected] or phone 818-2656. Rebecca is a professional line dance instructor with over eight years of SaddleBrooke teaching; fall will begin the third year of line dancing with Rebecca in the Hacienda Club at SaddleBrooke Ranch.