The book cover of John Bezy’s book
A Guide to the Geology of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona: The Geology and Life Zones of a Madrean Sky Island by John V. Bezy is a non-technical publication about the geology and ecology of the Santa Catalina Mountains in Tucson, Arizona. It is lavishly illustrated with color photos, maps and diagrams that bring the natural history of the range to the reader in a style that is easy to understand.
Natural landscapes have distinctive personalities. Each is the product of the interplay of geology, climate, vegetation, time and often human activities. The landscapes that form the Santa Catalina Mountains of southeastern Arizona give that range a unique personality like no other in the American Southwest.
Rising as a great mountain island to over 9,000 feet in elevation at their summit, Mount Lemmon, the Santa Catalina Mountains are the greatest expanse of high country within the Sonoran Desert. An unusual dome-like profile sets it apart from the numerous, steep, sharp-crested mountain ranges in the region. This distinctive profile is a legacy of the range’s remarkable geologic history and the structure of its bedrock. Formed miles deep within Earth’s crust before being exhumed, this ancient structure has guided surface weathering and erosion for millions of years. The result is a mosaic of mountain landscapes of singular beauty and complexity.
Publication Date: 2016
Ordering Information: Price is $24.50 plus $1.47 sales tax plus shipping. To order contact John Bezy, 64118 East Meander Drive, SaddleBrooke, Arizona 85739; 520-825-2451; [email protected].