Lots in Store for the Pickleball Club!

SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association club members

The SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association is in for a busy year! This year’s Board of Directors is determined to create avenues of fun for all of its members. There will be competitive events scheduled as well as purely social ones for members to get to know each other outside of their normal playing circles.

On March 30, we had our first-ever Easter-ball Hunt! Members and their families searched for hidden pickleballs just as they did when they were kids. Some of them even had special prizes in them provided by SBRanchRealty.com! Everyone had a great time!

Two competitive tournaments are also scheduled this spring. On April 13, we will host Quail Creek, another Robson community. This is an annual event to compete for bragging rights and control of the Robson trophy. Come out and cheer on our teams beginning at 10 a.m. at the pickleball courts.

The second tournament is the “Dinko de Mayo Tournament” scheduled for May 2 through 4, also here at the Ranch. This event gives our members a chance to compete against others who play at the same skill levels. Gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded for each skill level as well as some great prizes. This is an exciting event for everyone!

SBRanchRealty.com is our official sponsor this year and they are redefining “sponsorship.” In addition to some great prizes for first place and lots of raffle prizes, they will be sponsoring a party after the Dinko de Mayo tournament for all participants. They understand the desire to build a cohesive club and are working to provide opportunities toward that end. We are very fortunate to have their support and the support of all of our great sponsors.

Lots of other activities and events are in the works for our pickleball club this year. If you would like to join the best club at the Ranch, visit our website at sbrpickleball.club and sign up for “What is Pickleball” on April 9. Questions or comments? Send an email to [email protected].