Mark your calendar for Authors’ Expo February 20, 2016

What do Laura Abbot, Patti Albaugh, Ann Anovitz, Ted Beltz, C.D. Bergsgaard, John Bezy, Ann Bolinger McQuade, Kevin Brougher, Bonny Carney, Evelyn Cirincione, Wes Choc, Robert Clayton, Jan Cleere, Alan Day, Lud Deppisch, Sabrina Devonshire, Roz Denny Fox, Nancy Green, Elizabeth Gunn, Richard L. Hamilton, William Hartman, Doug Hocking, D. Lincoln Jones, Jane Kimball, Peter Linkins, Don Lively, Michaele Lockhart, Barbara Marriott, Allan Meyer, James C. Mitchell, Marianne Mitchell, Alexis Powers, D. R. Ransdell, Stuart Scott, Michael Sedgwick, Laura Shoffner, Lynn Wiese Sneyd, Jennifer J. Stewart and Lauren Walden have in common? They’re all southern Arizona authors who will be attending the SaddleBrooke Authors’ Expo on Saturday, February 20, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom. Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries is offering you the opportunity to meet local authors, learn more about their work and buy signed copies of their books. It’s a great way to find a new author or discover the latest work of a favorite writer.

Plan now to attend this very special event. It’s a slice of the Tucson Festival of Books, right at your doorstep.

If you have a favorite local author you would like to invite to exhibit at the Expo, we have a few spaces remaining. Authors should visit the FSL website,, to download the registration form. For additional information about this event, please contact Nancy McCluskey-Moore at or 520-822-6373.