Front row (left to right): Denise Windham Crowley, Roxanne Watson, Jean O’Brien, and Sheilah Bryant; back row: Sherann Ellsworth, Fran Miller, Denise Edwards, Kathy Martin, Julie Larson, Julie Peek, Jeff Laub, Rob Peters, Laurie McCoy, Marilyn Kline, Barbara Arndt, and Jay Dunn.
Jay Dunn
On Feb. 13, 17 interns completed the SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardener course, which included 13 weeks of class, a test, and two mock plants in the field. After the test review, they celebrated at the home of Master Gardener Alison Lang.
This is a short course sponsored by University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cooperative Extension. The students completed 50 hours of class work. To complete their course, they need an additional 50 hours of volunteer service this year, and six hours of additional educational hours on local plant life by local experts. The course included subjects such as irrigation, citrus, roses, succulents, cacti, weeds, plant pathology, diagnosing problems—both with plants and insects, correct pruning, planting, Integrated Plant Management program (IPM), Xeriscape design, and plant selection.
Congratulations to the new interns!
To set up a plant call, contact Pat and Fred Flanagan at 530-407-6459. For all up-to-date information, plant identification, or to learn more about Master Gardeners (MG), go to the MG website, saddlebrookemastergardeners.org.