Connie Calderon, Steve Dumas and Keith Sturdivant

Anita Johnson, Toni McDole and Priscilla Wolf

Bob Johnson and Ken Cook in the “crazy” hats

Deb Lawson and Mary Stolze

Ken Gorman and Ernie Wolf
Mary Stolze, Social Committee
Crazy Hat Social Play was held Tuesday, December 6. Twenty-six players arrived in hats of all shapes and sizes. Some were store bought and some were homemade. In fact, one player had three hats on: layer one a baseball so she could see as the sun was setting, layer two was a leather ski headband to hold her hatpin for her third layer Kentucky Derby style white wool hat with lace and pearls. We had a homemade “Duck” hat, a Hershey’s Kiss and many of Santa’s helpers. The hats selected served all the functional purposes that hats provide: they protect you from the sun’s rays, keep you warm when it’s cold and provide some protection for your hair or cover up balding. One hat even had built in hair!
Pickleball is a very fun, social sport. It wasn’t all about the play; we had Crazy Hat tailgating! It was a fun afternoon to eat, drink and play pickleball.
If you are interested in learning to play please check out our website for the ‘Introduction to Pickleball’ instruction sessions held on Friday mornings at the new pickleball courts. Our website is http://sbrpa.clubexpress.com/.