Intro to Clay pottery tray (photo by Ellen Sosin)
Creative? Not creative? Your Mudslingers Pottery Studio provides the opportunity to explore hand building and wheel techniques in a supportive learning environment for all. Should you choose to begin your pottery journey, you are invited to sign up for our 2-hour “Introduction to Clay” class to learn clay basics, including preparing/rolling your clay, using a shape mold, adding texture, and completing your own unique small pottery tray. The introductory class is offered in two sessions. The second class will focus on putting the finishing touches on your piece with your choice of glaze. The cost for the two sessions is $20.
Following the initial two classes, should you decide to move forward to explore additional creative opportunities as a potter (and we hope that you do!), you may choose to join our club. The cost of membership is $35 following the introductory class, reduced to $25 after July 1. Your membership includes a studio tour and full use of the space, with attentive, knowledgeable monitors, pottery library, and enthusiastic members to share ideas with. Routine class offering examples include pinch pot techniques, coiling, potter’s wheel, glazing techniques, and more.
Please join us and play in the mud to create a beautiful unique pottery piece! Our next class will be Wednesday, May 10, at 1 p.m.
Regular Studio Hours
Mondays and Wednesdays, 3 to 5 p.m.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Please visit our club during studio hours to chat with our monitors who will show you around the facility. Check out our website at www.sbr-mudslingers.club.