Zentangle art (photo provided by instructor, Val Barsevich)

Zentangle art (photo provided by instructor, Val Barsevich)
Dale Farland
When you saw the word Zentangle, your first thought may have been “What is Zentangle?” “What kind of art form is this?” How often have you sat down during a meeting or class and simply created patterns and shapes on a piece of paper? The Zentangle method takes your previous expressions of creativity to a different level.
It is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. These structured patterns are called tangles. You create tangles with combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, S curves, and orbs. These uncomplicated shapes are the “Elemental Strokes” and are drawn on small pieces of paper called “tiles.” You can combine tiles into a larger mosaic piece or simply stand alone as art.
Zentangle is a mindfulness technique that many people find relaxing and has been found to have benefits in reducing anxiety, relieving stress, and increasing focus. Therefore, the “Zen” part of the word Zentangle.
Class description: This will be an introductory class of the basic steps of the Zentangle method. No artistic ability is required! You will create several pieces of art in a supportive, relaxing environment.
The instructor, Val Barsevich, is a retired educator who has been using and teaching the Zentangle method for six years to children and adults. A life-long love of creative arts led her to discover Zentangle. It became a daily practice that continues to help relieve stress and give her a simple outlet for creativity. Val has shared Zentangle with her middle school students plus friends and family. After retirement, she was a co-teacher at Sister Jose Women’s Center for weekly classes offered to women experiencing homelessness. Val became a certified Zentangle teacher (CZT) in 2021 and is currently teaching weekly online classes for Televeda.
Date for class: Wednesday, June 28
Time: 1 to 3 p.m.
Class fee: $40. Make out your check to SBR Art Club and deposit it in the Art Room lock box.
Class size: Minimum: 8, Maximum: 15
Payment deadline date: Wednesday, June 21
Materials the instructor will provide: Instructor will provide all materials, which students keep. Materials include: pencil, Micron 01 black pen, pencil sharpener, tortillon, Zentangle tiles, small artist kit bag. Future classes will require students to bring back those supplies to class, and the instructor will provide additional materials appropriate for the new class.
Materials participants to bring: Students may want to use a sketchbook or sheets of paper to record notes and examples. (Computer or printer copy paper works well.)
Registration: Go to GroupWorks. Click on Events. Click on “I’m Going.” Confirmation is depositing your check in the Art Room lock box. Please do not click “I’m Going” unless you intend to take the class.
Reminder: Participants in art classes must be members of the SBR Art Club. If you want to join, contact Dale Farland at [email protected] for membership forms. Membership is only $25.