New members of the SBR Women’s Club
Jan Larkey
It was good to be back greeting old friends and meeting new ones at the September 12 luncheon of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club. Eleven newcomers were welcomed. They have joined our community from places as far away as Alaska, New Jersey, Alberta, Canada and southern California.
Martha Sampson chaired this meeting with a call for volunteers to provide the services needed to run the organization next year. Current committee chairmen will mentor the new members of the eight committees that start in January. “Ladies, step up to the plate and lend your abilities to one of the positions,” said Martha. “Be ready to sign up at the October meeting. It is a great way to really get to know your friends and neighbors.”
The guest speaker for the meeting on October 10 will be Joe Pinella. Joe barely survived a body crippling accident in June of 1991. He was declared a quadriplegic and could do nothing for himself. Joe’s story of how he learned to walk again and live an active life free of wheelchairs, walkers, a cane and even medications is an inspiration.
Joe now teaches Tai Chi and Qigong, the slow, gentle exercises that brought him back to health, to about 2,000 people a year, mostly seniors. Joe offers a Qigong class here at SaddleBrooke Ranch that focuses on training your body in fall prevention.
The SaddleBrooke Women’s Club meets the second Monday of each month at the Hacienda Club with the exception of July and August. Originally started as a birthday club, the focus now is on welcoming newcomers and developing friendships. The social time begins at 11:00 followed by a healthy lunch. Frequent guest speakers provide educational and entertaining programs throughout the year. Annual dues are $10; lunch fees are $12 for members, $14 for visitors. If you have not been receiving a monthly email invitation, please contact Martha Sampson at [email protected].