Nightmare at the Net

Kathie Marshall

Drunken Pumpkins and Slicing Skeletons engaged in a friendly battle at the Nightmare at the Net tennis tournament held Oct. 31 through Nov. 2 on SaddleBrooke Ranch’s six tennis courts. The tournament was the highlight of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association (SBRTA) 2023 Steiness Festival featuring an amazing week of tennis and POP tennis entertainment, concluding with a dinner/dance on Nov. 3 in the Sol Ballroom. The Steiness Festival is an annual event, named in honor of the late Helge Steiness, the club’s founder, and first president. This year’s event had 65 participants and the tournament competition was divided into two teams—The Drunken Pumpkins and The Slicing Skeletons. Team captains were Lu Legel and Tim Baker (Drunken Pumpkins) and Susan Pharr and Roger Cowles (Slicing Skeletons).

The event kicked off on Oct. 30 with an introductory song and dance from each team, an exhibition match featuring some of the club’s finest players, followed by a members’ happy hour reception. Match play began on Oct. 31 through Nov. 2. The competition was divided into morning and afternoon sessions of tennis and POP tennis doubles play. Each day, Pumpkins and Skeleton doubles’ teams competed against each other, and scores were tallied and recorded at the end of each day.

The event culminated with the Nightmare at the Net costume dinner and dance on Friday, Nov. 3. Members were treated to a delicious dinner and great service provided by the Ranch House Grill banquet services staff. Mark Adamson, the SBRTA president, announced the team winner, and the victors were The Drunken Pumpkins! He thanked the event coordinators, Sue Cook and Paula Cartwright, for a job well done. Special mention was given to committee chairs: Debbie Argabright (food and snack tables), Wayne Watkins (court set-up and dismantle), Dave Stark (court decorations), Jill Stark (interior décor), and the numerous volunteers and participants who made the event a tremendous success.

A special thank you to the Nightmare at the Net sponsors:

Platinum Level

A & M Landscaping

Golf Carts of Arizona

Long Realty

Northwest Healthcare

Silver Level

Blease Financial Services

Cleere Law Offices, P.C.

First Inspection Services

Jim Click Automotive

Sonoran Dreams Landscape

Victory Realty

X-pert Automotive

For players and spectators alike, Nightmare at the Net was an event to be remembered!