Cook Off winners, left to right: Teresa Burchfield, third place; Kosmo Kramer, first place; Susan Engebretson, second place
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association (SBRPA) held a “Chilly Pickleball Social Play and Chili Cook-off” on February 21, 2017. On a not-so-chilly day (76 degrees), 46 pickleball players from all skill levels participated in this social event. Using a round robin format, this fun afternoon resulted in surprise wins and surprise losses, but no surprises in laughter and camaraderie.
Following pickleball play 51 club members, friends and family gathered at the home of Mary and Jeff Stoltz for a chili cook-off. Six club members prepared their special chili for the event. Attendees sampled the chili offerings, and when the smoke cleared a winner was crowned. First place went to Kosmo Kramer with Susan Engebretson close behind in second and Teresa Burchfield third. All agreed that the chili offerings were good, and the choices were difficult.
Thanks to the SBRPA social committee for sponsoring this event and to the Stoltzs for providing their home. Social committee members include Mary Stoltz, Corine Sturdivant, Larry Steinberg, Susan Engebretson and Sally Grasso.
There are a number of social events planned for 2017 including the SBRPA Festival (April 19-22), Midnight Madness Pajama Pickleball Social (June 5), Pool Party and Social Pickleball Play (August 23), Cowboy/Cowgirl Stampede Pickleball Social Play and Appetizer Tryouts (October 10), Annual Social (November date to be determined) and Jingle Jam Social Play and White Elephant Exchange (December 1). Details on these events will be provided as the year progresses.
We encourage all SaddleBrooke Ranch residents to join our club. It’s a chance to have fun, socialize and reap the benefits of exercise by playing a fun sport.