Once a Missile Site … Now a Church with a Mission!

Sharon Scanlan

In May, June, and July, Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church in Catalina will have some exciting and inspirational classes! Everyone is welcome to attend, whether you attend Vista or not. The church is located on the west side of Oracle Rd., just south of the Golder Ranch stoplight. If you are interested in attending the classes, please sign up by calling the Church Office at 520-825-1985 or emailing [email protected]. We meet in the Elizabeth Room of the Education and Administration Building at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. Classes last one hour.

Spiritual Opportunities on Vista Campus: May 1–29; 10 to 11 a.m.

The Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church campus is full of possibilities for us to find spaces to pray, to meditate, to contemplate, and to think, and yet there is so much we don’t know about our buildings and grounds. This class will be on the five Wednesdays in May at 10 a.m., beginning May 1 and acquaint you with all of the possibilities that Vista UMC has to offer. We will look at the Labyrinth, the Sun Wheel, the Stations of the Cross, the Memorial Garden, and ways in which you can use the church as a sacred space for you. Each class includes some instruction, explanation, and exploration of the opportunities on campus. The classes will be led by various church members.

First Persons: June 5–July 31; 10 to 11 a.m.

Part 1: June 5, 12, and 19

Part 2: July 10, 17, 24, and 31

Our summer sessions this year are a continuation of the very popular class held last year. It is based on the study by well-known theologian, Matt Rawle, entitled “First Persons.” Each class is based on his idea of the type of people who might have attended the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Each week the new role is defined, historical data about these careers is discussed, and what might have been their attitudes about Jesus and his crucifixion. Though the author has created these characters, the re-enactment facilitates interesting class discussions about this culmination of Jesus’ time on earth. You may sign up for Part 1, Part 2, or both. The classes will be facilitated by SaddleBrooke residents, Linda and Jim Galka.