The Halloween Spooktacular fundraiser will be held Oct. 29.
Sherry Kaplan
Looking for a fun way to help local kids? Look no further than an upcoming Oracle Schools Foundation (OSF) fundraiser. OSF’s mission is to provide financial and related support to ensure that every Oracle student has unlimited opportunity to succeed. One of its efforts is to provide scholarships for children to attend preschool since the State of Arizona does not currently provide preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds.
On Sunday, Oct. 29, at 5 p.m., Brenda and Bob Seaman will host a laughter-filled Halloween Spooktacular fundraiser for OSF in their beautiful home at 35999 S. Golf Course Drive. Ghosts, goblins, witches, and wizards are coming! Guests are invited to wear their favorite costumes (or just come and observe other guests in crazy garb).
Guests are encouraged to bring a carved pumpkin to enter into a contest. And no one will go hungry with plenty of yummy appetizers, hot cider, beer, and wine on hand. Tickets are $50 per person for up to 35 fun-loving guests. Bring a friend—or several! To make arrangements, please contact Brenda and Bob Seaman at 970-227-6315.