The Tri-Community Food Bank Warehouse after the SBCO Food Drive (photo by Karen Nybeck)
Rosemary Douglas
The 25th annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) Food Drive took place on March 18. The Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB) in Mammoth was the recipient of money and food donated by the generous residents of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch. The donations received during the Food Drive make a major contribution toward keeping TCFB open and enabling us to support our neighbors in need.
More than 100 volunteers worked to receive, sort, pack, and deliver food and hygiene items to TCFB, and to collect and process monetary donations. The Food Drive was a resounding success and our warehouse is full! The food donations will ensure that our customers have a wide variety of healthy nonperishable food options and hygiene items in the months to come. Monetary donations will be used to purchase supplemental food items, such as high-quality proteins.
The Tri-Community Food Bank is an all-volunteer organization located at 108 Redwood Road in Mammoth. We are open five days a week (Mondays–Thursdays and Saturdays) from 9 a.m. to noon to serve the communities of Oracle, San Manuel, Mammoth, and Dudleyville.
The Tri-Community Food Bank is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and an Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization. We spend 0% for administration costs and are totally supported by your generous donations. The TCFB also receives food donations from the United Food Bank in Mesa, Ariz.