Vista UMC Partnerships with Coronado K-8 School

Linda Galka, Nancy Yob, and Diane Coleman Vista UMC is answering the call to feed hungry tummies through our SNAK PAK Program at the Coronado K-8 School here in Catalina. In concert with the Santa Catalina Catholic Church, we help to provide weekly weekend meals/snacks to 60 students who might otherwise have limited or no…

World Interfaith Harmony Week

Daniel Engeljohn Each year since 2010 the United Nations has recognized the first week of February as World Interfaith Harmony Week. Pioneering work of the “A Common Word Initiative” called for Muslim and Christian leaders to engage in dialog based on two fundamental tenets of both religions: Love of God and Love of the Neighbor.…

Operation Hero Pic: We Need Arizona’s Help!

Kathy Sinnott Rockin’ 4 Heroes began in 2021 as a one–time concert to thank our 4 hero groups: First Responders, Active Military, Veterans, and Gold Star Families. Our mission constantly evolves as we support initiatives and develop scholarships statewide. We’ve made the jump onto many social media platforms and now see a way for our…

A Perspective on Love

Suzanne Marlatt Stewart Is the word ‘love” a noun, or is it a verb? My thought is that love is an action word, which can be shown in many ways. An example that comes to mind is our pets. Many of us have dogs and what better way is unconditional love demonstrated than our pet.…