A new sport to try!

Rita Fletcher Team effort: Check! Contact sport: Check! Coach: Check! Fumbles: Sometimes! Victory: Always! Fun: Check! The sport of square dancing is indeed a true team effort. A team of eight executes a variety of calls given to them as they dance and sing along. Mistakes sometimes happen, but the fun is correcting them as…

Discover a new author with great critical reviews

Come and meet thriller writer Becky Masterman at the Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries next author luncheon to be held at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, November 20. As the former editor of a forensic medicine encyclopedia, Masterman brings a unique background to her mysteries. Largely unknown to the general public, she has received widespread praise from…

Birthday Club recaps July luncheon

Back row: Pat Hartgrove, Carolyn Blake, Karen Rasmussen; front row: Beth Berzon

Raeone Gilison At our July Birthday Club luncheon we welcomed three new members as well as celebrated the birthdays of four members. Nini Falconer, president of the Birthday Club, moderated the luncheon as well as led the women in singing Happy Birthday to our birthday girls. Our luncheon of three healthy salads and a delicious dessert…

Bible Study

Paul Vincent Volpe Would you like to study the Bible, interact and enjoy Christian fellowship with other men? If so, join our group, the Men’s Bible Study (MBS), here in SaddleBrooke. Our next MBS commences on October 2, 2015 and continues every Friday, from 9:00-10:30 a.m. through June. Our practice is to meet at 8:00…

Friends of Oracle State Park host Dessert in the Desert

An afternoon of munching sweet treats and desserts while classic pop tunes roll off the record player is scheduled for 3:00-5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 11, in the Kannally Ranch House at Oracle State Park Center for Environmental Education. A raffle drawing with two dozen prizes themed to excite explorers and home bodies alike will…

Alzheimer’s workshop

Nan Nasser Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church, 14240 N. Oracle Rd, Catalina, will host a free education program presented by the Alzheimer’s Association on effective communication strategies. This will be held Friday, September 25 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. As verbal communication becomes more difficult with patients, you will learn new ways to connect with tone of voice,…