Latest News Fom New Home Sales

The SaddleBrooke Ranch Sales Team We had amazing sales in July with a promising outlook for August and September. Thank you to all of our SaddleBrooke Ranch residents for truly making our community so popular. According to recent surveys from potential homebuyers, the people—you—are responsible for so many of the positive comments we receive. Just…

Community Church provides Habitat with tool kits

Front row: Sandy Simester, Cathy Scott, Nancy Rude, Dick Kroese, Sharon Williams and Sandy Hines; back row: Keith Gordon, Steve Willis, Shannon Schudda and Steve Wilson

Connie Saiz The Community Church of SaddleBrooke has partnered with Habitat for Humanity Tucson since 2003 by donating their time and talent to help qualified local families become homeowners. Since 2007 the congregation’s Mission Committee has provided a basic tool kit for every new Habitat homeowner. This year we provided 20 tool kits because that…

SBCO partners with Wheels For Kids in Oro Valley

Bicycles refurbished by Wheels For Kids

Melanie Stout SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) has again partnered with Wheels For Kids, a nonprofit organization operating out of Oro Valley, to provide refurbished bikes to needy children in our service area. Wheels For Kids operates exclusively with volunteers who love to fix up bikes and make people happy. Please check out their website…

SaddleBrooke Health and Wellness presents Health Night Out August 24: “Can You Hear Me Now?”

Left to right: Drs. Thomas Kang, Amanda Kester and Jonathan Lara

Don Jensen On Monday, August 24, the Health Night Out team will welcome Drs. Thomas Kang, Amanda Kester and Jonathan Lara of Sonoran Ear, Nose and Throat to SaddleBrooke. Sonoran ENT is Tucson’s newest Otolaryngology (ENT) practice. They offer the full range of diagnostics and medical/surgical treatment options in Otolaryngology. Surgeries, when necessary, are performed…

Shoes make kids happy

Shoes from smallest to largest sizes

Nan Nasser A little boy came to the Kids’ Closet, operated by SaddleBrooke Community Outreach, for his first visit. He chose the clothes, but his favorite item was a bright new pair of sneakers! He liked them so much he wanted to wear them to bed! Wouldn’t you like to help SBCO supply happiness to…

SBRTA announces new officers

The members of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association enjoyed a recent potluck.

Janice Neal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association has elected new officers. They are, left to right: Steve Ordahl, Vice President; Linda Bowman, Treasurer; Janice Neal, President; Tove Pape, Special Events Chairman; Alastair Stone, Secretary. Not pictured is Ted Wierman, Membership Chairman. For information about the SBRTA, please contact Janice at [email protected].