The MountainView Clubhouse Ballroom was full as 121 tickets for the annual Birthday Club luncheon and fashion show had been sold. Twenty-two fantastic outfits from Maya Palace were modeled by our own resident models from SaddleBrooke Ranch. Prior to the modeling the ladies enjoyed a luncheon of tri-salad followed by crème brulee. It couldn’t get…
June 2015
SaddleBrooke Ranch Birthday Club’s fifth annual fashion show
June 2015
Line Dance Lessons with Rebecca
Dr. Mark Magdanz Life changes faster in senior communities. Since we live with an extreme concentration of aging adults, we have thrust upon us a unique perspective including life’s negatives. This “in your face” life change exposure may lead to depression, isolation and even desperation. Combating this with proven methods like exercise and socialization is…
June 2015
Save the date
Save the date for our Community Yard Sale: Saturday, October 31, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Save the date and start saving your items! Watch for more information as the date nears regarding sign-ups.
June 2015
SBRMGA donates to scholarship program of SBCO
Nan Nasser The annual spring golf tournament, held by the SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association, resulted in a large contribution of $6,500 to the scholarship program of SaddleBrooke Community Outreach. The event included sale of raffle tickets as well as dinner tickets. Frank Sciannella and his committee were recognized for their hard and profitable work.…
June 2015
Ranchette Putters bring in May with Big Putter Hats
Linda Shannon-Hills Having a little fun while Wicket Putting, 20 Ranchette Putters wore their big hats to the greens. Besides putting we voted on the best hat, won by Beena Ordahl; most colorful hat, won by Beena Ordahl and Priscilla Wolf; and most putter inspired hat won by Linda Parker. We had three money hole…
June 2015
Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra 2015-2016 concert preview
Punch Howarth SASO will offer an interesting, diverse series of concerts in the 2015-2016 season starting in October. There will be five programs performed at SaddleBrooke and in Oro Valley. Also the orchestra returns to Green Valley for two programs. Resident conductor Linus Lerner will be on the podium for four of the programs with…