Jim Lamb to become Rotary’s Assistant District Governor

Rotary Club of SaddleBooke President Jim Lamb awards Linda Turbyfill with the Rotarian of the Year honor.

June 2015 was a busy month for Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke. First, our own Jim Lamb will transition from our 2014-2015 president to the Assistant District Governor of Region 6. Among Jim’s biggest wins as our president are his stabilization of membership, strengthening member involvement in community projects and improved club camaraderie. We wish Mr.…

Choosing joy

Terry Barringer The Woman’s Ministry of Community Church At SaddleBrooke is excited to present a five-week video study by renowned author Kay Warren, co-founder of Saddleback Church in Southern California. Kay Warren has a passion for inspiring and motivating others to make a difference in their lives. This passion inspired her to write her newest…

Church collects books for Kids’ Closet

Nan Nasser Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church, located at 14240 N. Oracle Road in Catalina, hosts a monthly food collection to support area food banks including the Tri Community Food Bank in Mammoth. Church Elder Elizabeth Houle recently had the opportunity to visit that food bank as well as a stop at Kids’ Closet also in…

Oracle School District

The Oracle School District invites you to come by their “Stuff the Bus” paper drive on August 15, 2015. The Mountain Vista Elementary School National Junior Honor Society students will be at the SaddleBrooke Minit Market from 8:00 until 10:00 a.m. and then at SaddleBrooke Ranch from 10:15 a.m. until noon. Past donations have been…

Ask your Master Gardener and Plant Sale, September 17

The Ask Your Master Gardener and Plant Sale will be September 17, 2015 at MountainView Ballroom West and Breezeway from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. The SaddleBrooke Master Gardeners will be available to answer your plant questions. Bring a sample or a picture for identification. As an added bonus there will be plants for sale. The…

Patriotic Bicycle Parade – Residents Celebrate July 4th

Parade hosts Steve and Sharon (top hats) ride with other parade participants.

Sharon Groth The fourth annual Fourth of July bicycle parade at SaddleBrooke Ranch started celebrating early. Decorated bicyclists, bicycles and even a few golf carts gathered in front of hosts Sharon and Steve Groth’s home at 8:00 a.m. for refreshments and camaraderie before touring the Ranch with red, white and blue and smiling faces. Bob…