The new board is ready to work!

Left to right, front row: Gayl Van Natter, recording secretary; Joan Roberts, president; Willie Reich, membership; Pat Armlein, membership; Nan Nasser, past VP; Ann Coziahr, Golden Goose representative; back row: Doug Sweetland, special events; Melanie Stout, Kids’ Closet; Elise Grimes, education; Betsy Lowry, special events; Susan Richards, grants; Sandra Valeton, treasurer. Absentees include Marcia Van Ommeran, recording secretary; Anni Evans, Kids’ Closet; Anne Everett, treasurer; Dorothy Moore, corresponding secretary, Make a Difference; Steve Groth, education; and Merna Oakley, communications.

Nan Nasser SaddleBrooke Community Outreach had its first board meeting of the 2015-16 year. The photo, taken by Ken Siarkiewicz, was referred to as the people who get the jobs done. Yes, it is a big board, with a big job. Programs include clothing children, educating kids, providing nourishment for the young minds. We touch…

SBR Pickleball Association adds a set of medals to our collection

Ken and Lupe Cook

While the pickleball tournament season in southern Arizona is behind us, six couples from the SBR Pickleball Association made the trek to play in the USAPA West Regional Tournament held at the Darling Tennis Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. The group consisted of teams playing in 3.0 and 3.5 Men’s, Women’s and Mixed Doubles. While…

Birthday Club reaches 100 in membership

Birthday Club celebrants, left to right: Florence Messer, Marlene Diskin, Kerstin Seifert, Linda Hart, Corine Sturdivant, Sandy Noble, Roberta Bowers, Raeone Gilison, Nancy Galant, Betty Pearce, Susan Engbretson, Wendy McMillan, Betty Johnson, Mary Ann Nemecek, Lynn Fidler and Cyndie Grover.

Marlene Diskin On the heels of a successful and fun-filled fashion show, the Birthday Club announced at its May 11 monthly luncheon that membership has reached a record 100! “We’re so pleased that women in our community are participating in our luncheons and shows. We have a great time, hear informative speakers, get to spend…

How Tai Chi builds health and vitality

Carol Emerson Studies have shown that there are many health benefits from practicing Tai Chi. These may include: Improved functional balance and physical performance Reduced frequency of falls and risk of falling Lowered blood pressure Improved mental and physical well-being Improved cardiovascular and respiratory function Improved sleep quality Increased happiness (really) Enhanced overall health Pain…

Ask your Master Gardener and Plant Sale – September 17

The Master Gardener plant sale will be September 17, 2015 at the MountainView Ballroom West and breezeway from 12:30-2:30 p.m. The SaddleBrooke Master Gardeners will be available to answer your plant questions. Bring a sample or a picture for identification. As an added bonus there will be plants for sale. The plants are grown by…

The beat goes on in Summer Line Dance Lessons with Rebecca

Can’t stop the feet. Rebecca Magdanz even prepares for her classes on vacation in Mexico.

Mark Magdanz Sign-up now for Level 1 Beginner, Level 2 Easy Intermediate and Level 3 Intermediate. Line Dance classes for the summer are here. The seven lessons in Level 1 teach you some basics of line dancing in a fun and safe environment. Rebecca teaches with humor, repetition and joy. You will learn new skills…