Example of paper quilled bowl to be made over two classes (photo by instructor, Erin Newman)
Dale Farland
Erin Newman, SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) resident and Southern Arizona Arts Guild (SAAG) artist, is offering to teach a new paper quilling class. Many of you have either taken her paper quilling classes or seen her incredible artwork displayed. In this class, students will learn how to make a paper-quilled bowl by making tight coils of paper and then adhering them together. The coils will be placed onto a bowl form, glued together, and once dried will make a perfect art piece for your home. There’s no need to have taken Erin’s classes previously to enjoy this class.
Class description: This class will be in two parts. First class is Monday, July 24, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Erin will supply quilling paper, tools, glue bottles, and instructions for making the tight coils. Erin will also have some creative ideas to add whimsy to your design. Think of the fun exploring your imagination for your bowl design.
You will make some coils in class; however, the majority of the coil production will be done on your own at home before the second class. Second class is Monday, July 31, from 9 a.m. to noon, allowing extra time for final steps.
For the second class, students need to have all their coils ready to be glued onto the bowl form. Once coils are glued onto the bowl, it is finished with PVA coating.
Dates and times for the classes: First class: Monday, July 24, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.; Second class: Monday, July 31, from 9 a.m. to noon
Class fee. $80. Make out your check to SBR Art Club and deposit it in the lockbox. Please mark on it that it is for the Paper Quilling class.
Class size: Minimum: 6, Maximum: 15
Payment deadline date: Wednesday, July 19
Materials the instructor will provide: All materials will be provided by the instructor, including paper-quilling paper, tools, glue bottle, bowl forms, PVA glue, and instructions.
Materials participants to bring: For First class, students should bring the following: fine-tipped tweezers, fine-tipped scissors, small cloth (to remove glue from fingers/project, reading glasses (if needed for close-up work), water (for hydration).
For Second class, students need to bring a small container to hold PVA glue and a paintbrush. Please note, since the bowl will be wet when the student leaves, please bring a plastic bag or box with a plastic bag in it.
Registration: Go to GroupWorks. Click on Events. Click on “I’m Going.” Confirmation is depositing your check in the lockbox outside the Art Room door. Please deposit your check quickly as classes fill up. Please do not click “I’m Going” unless you intend to take the class.
Reminder: Starting in 2023, participants in all art classes must be members of the SBR Art Club. If you want to join the SBR Art Club, contact Dale Farland at [email protected] for membership forms. Membership for SBR Art Club is only $25.