Paper-quilled angels that will be taught by instructor Erin Newman
Dale Farland
Believe it or not, the holidays are around the corner. So, now is your chance to create two paper-quilled angels, taught in two different ways. Whether you simply frame them, hang them on your tree, or include them on cards or packages, they will have a special place in your heart and house. Once you know how to make these angels, you can make them for future holidays to share with family and friends.
Erin Newman, SBR resident and Southern Arizona Arts Guild artist, will once again be offering her expertise with this paper-quilling class.
Class description: Students will learn how to roll paper and shape them to create different shapes that will then be transformed into an incredible angel! Students will be creating two angels, approximately 3 x 2 inches in size.
Date for class: Thursday, Nov. 9
Time: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Class fee: $45
Class size: Minimum: 5, Maximum: 15
Payment deadline date: Thursday, Nov. 2
Materials the instructor will provide: All paper quilling materials will be provided with the exceptions listed below.
Materials participants are to bring: Students should bring fine-tipped tweezers, fine-tipped scissors, a small microfiber-type cloth (to remove glue from fingers/project), reading glasses (if needed for close-up work), and water (hydration). Also, if you have your own quilling tools/supplies, feel free to bring those along.
Registration: Go to GroupWorks. Click on “Events.” Click on “I’m Going.” Confirmation is depositing your check in the lockbox outside the Art Room door. Please deposit your check quickly as classes fill up. Please do not click “I’m Going” unless you intend to take the class.
Reminder: Starting in 2023, participants in all art classes must be members of the SBR Art Club. If you want to join the SBR Art Club, contact Dale Farland at [email protected] for membership forms. SBR Art Club membership for the remainder of the year is only $15.