Viewing member images at a PhotoWorks meeting (Photo by Arlene Wong)
Arlene Wong
During the March 9 meeting of the PhotoWorks club, we enjoyed viewing members’ images and learned how they represent their areas of photographic interest. We also heard from Bob Hills that he’s going to be stepping away from the role of leader of the SBR PhotoWorks club. He’ll still be a participant, but is unable to continue in his prior active role. We all thank Bob for being the driving force behind PhotoWorks, and for the impact it has had on our photography and the enrichment it has brought to our lives at SBR.
Those present informally discussed ideas of what we’d like the club to be and what it could provide going forward. Among these ideas were: member critiques; competitions; YouTube-type instructional videos with discussion afterwards; presentations on techniques (e.g., building a slide presentation, tips for doing a photo book, workflow, etc.); in-person presentations from outside subject experts on topics of interest such as astrophotography, street photography, and more; group discussion on topics of interest and sharing of images; monthly challenges; and lastly, periodic field trips.
What might be your needs and ideas? Whether you’re a current member or just want to hear more, please join our next meeting on Wednesday, April 13, in the La Mesa room from 1 to 3 p.m. Let us know what you’d like the club to be and how we can best meet your needs. Also, we’ll be having a celebratory thank-you for Bob for all he’s done to move photography forward at the Ranch.