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Betsy Levenson
How do you compare the joy of discovering a royal flush in your hand to watching the flush of joy in the eyes of three and four-year olds as they mush their hands through finger paints to create their own special kind of gold? Feels pretty good to know your fun can enable theirs, doesn’t it?
The fun for approximately thirty youngsters enrolled in the Oracle’s pre-school is paid for by generous donors just like you when you participate in the Oracle Schools’ Foundation programs. Your investment fully supports their pre-school, yielding a return on investment as high as $7 dollars for every dollar spent!
On Tuesday, April 30, the Oracle Schools’ Foundation invites all poker players (men and women!) to join us as we come together for an evening of laughter and games. And while we are raising, bluffing and calling, we will also be contributing to a very important effort: a tournament where all proceeds from the $50 entry fee pay for Oracle’s kids to go to pre-school. Doesn’t get better than that, does it?
The Tournament will take place at the home of Betsy and Alan Levenson, at 37153 S. Desert Sky Lane, (zip 85739) in SaddleBrooke, from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Those interested in playing should write a $50 check payable to the Oracle Schools’ Foundation and mail it to the Levensons at the address listed above. (Players may also leave their check in the basket on the table in the Levensons’ courtyard.) The first thirty players to sign up are guaranteed admission. There will be no re-buys. Others will be enrolled on a space available basis. IMPT: In the memo portion of the check, players must enter either “Poker Tournament” or “Dealer’s Choice”, signifying which game they wish to play. As Texas Hold-Em Tournament Players are eliminated, they may join a Dealer’s Choice table.
Beyond the $50 check players must submit prior to the Tournament, all of which goes to the Oracle Schools’ Foundation to support the Oracle pre-school program, each player must bring $25. For those participating in the Texas Hold-Em tournament, this money will be used entirely for cash prizes for the Hold-Em Tournament winners. For those who sign up as Dealer’s Choice players on their registration check, the $25 will be used to buy chips as a start-up stake. Note: players eliminated from the Texas Hold-Em Tournament who choose to then move to a Dealer’s Choice table and continue playing are responsible for “buying” their own stake, since their $25 has already been committed to prize money for the Hold-Em Tournament.
A light dinner, beverages and snacks will be served at “break time”, at no additional cost. All participants are encouraged to “hang out” and watch the fun as the evening progresses – ultimately crowning Saddlebrook’s Hold-Em Champion and adding up the totals for the real winners – the preschoolers of Oracle.
For more info, contact Bill Kaplan at [email protected] or Barry Swartzberg at [email protected].