Left to right: Mary Schlachter, Pam Englehardt, Terri Stewart, Doris Carlin, and Nancy Eisenstein (photo by Camille Esterman)
Camille Esterman
Rising temperatures and lots of humidity attempted to dampen the spirits of the SaddleBrooke (SBR) Ranchette Putters in July. Determined to survive these natural hazards, members arrived each week dressed for the elements—carrying water, sunscreen, and bug spray. Janice Hynes even volunteered to set up an extra water station in her golf cart every session.
Although conditions were sticky, cool heads prevailed and many ladies were very successful in reading the 18-hole SBR green. Monthly prizes are given out to putters with the first, second, and third lowest gross average scores, putters who sink six or more aces, and putters with the first, second, and third lowest net average scores.
SBR Ranchette Putters is proud to announce the July winners. The prize for the third lowest gross average was earned by Linda Nicholson with 37.000. Mary Schlachter took second place with a gross average of 36.333. An outstanding putting performance by Doris Carlin put her on top with a gross average of 34.750.
Boisterous applause could be heard as these putters scored at least six holes-in-one: Evie Thompson (11), Doris Carlin (8), Nancy Eisenstein (6), Pam Englehardt (6), and Mary Schlachter (6).
The use of handicaps has allowed the club to recognize another group of winners each month. Third place went to Terri Stewart with a net average of 35.333. In second place was Andrea Cothran with a net average of 34.900. Jackie Boll had the best net average with 34.333.
Ranchette Putters is proud of the talent our July winners displayed. The club invites all female residents of SBR to join us for a fun weekly event. Check out our bulletin board by the Pro Shop for more information, or contact Corky Mansmith at [email protected].